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Connecting the Twist Machine Paddle Shifter 3 to a COMPUSHIFT Sport or COMPUSHIFT Pro

This guide gives you a brief description of how to connect the Twist Machine Paddle Shifter to your COMPUSHIFT Sport or COMPUSHIFT Pro controller. You can find a basic overview of the connection and installation here: Installing and Using the Paddle Shifter Harness on COMPUSHIFT

In addition to connecting power and ground to the paddle shifter receiver, you will need to make the following connections to the COMPUSHIFT transmission controller.

Paddle Shifter Receiver

COMPUSHIFT Controller Main Connector


Pin 3 - White / Black

Pin 67 - White / Black


Pin 5 - White / Red

Pin 47 - White / Red


Pin 4 - White / Green

Pin 46 - White

Downshift Common

Pin 6 - White

PIn 46 - White

Upshift Common

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